Thursday, September 23, 2010


In my last post I mentioned we were not try to get pregnant and that was the truth. God had other plans though. We had a successful garage sale last March. We got rid of all our baby items such as cribs, play yard/bassinet, car seat, and much more. In April I had a normal month other than feeling very tired on the last 3 days of the month. Two of those days I helped at the HPC, ARC conference. I remember talking to a new friend about the past 3 miscarriages and how we were officially done trying. On day 25 of my cycle, I remember driving Ryan to the airport and feeling very nauseous especially while I was smelling the McDonald steak breakfast Ryan was eating...yuck! Right there the "ah ha" feeling came upon me but I kept it to myself. The next morning nothing happened so on my way I went to do a UPT test in yet another Walmart bathroom. Who can wait to go home anyways! I didn't tell Ryan as he was on his way to his father's funeral. Well, the test was positive! Wow.. how God works..thank you Jesus. More story to come... we were blessed with a sweet baby boy Dec. 27, 2010.

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