Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Temps, Roller Coaster, Thankful

Tues. 4/24/07 Quick update on Emily. She is still running a low temp but has been with out tylenol for a day now. The highest it went today was 102.9 right before nap. She woke up very wet with sweat during todays nap so I think this fight is almost done! AMEN! We did manage to leave the apartment to get some groceries before she started to feel really tired.
Wed. 4/25/07 Wow.. fever finally gone.. Thank You Jesus. Emily is feeling tons better today! Even though she still has that on and off coughing it hasn't stop her from having fun. She has her energy batteries on also...lol. Her appetite has kicked in big time. I am relieved to see our happy, energetic little girl once again!

Now that Emily is doing better, I on the other hand was going though an Emotional Rollercoaster most of the day today. You know.. when you cry very easily or feel emotional about almost everything, when you just can't discribe what is going on or understand.. .when you ask yourself repeatedly...What is going on here?...why do I feel so strange?...why do I feel like I am going out of my mind?.. Could it be the late nights not being able to sleep? the pressure to find us a home? the fear of the unknow? the longing to have my husband home? the guilt of turning down an offer to work? the uncomfortable vehicle I dread to drive on hot days?(ac not working for over a year now), the dead van that has been sitting for over a month.... the dental appointment I am avoiding that I need to make? the never ending laundry... the clutter... rediculous ha!... pity party time! .... confusion... none the less... all I know to do is get on my knees and pray... PRAY!... to be back to my normal self tomorrow!... PRAY that all will turn out fine... PRAY for clarity.. PRAY for peace of mind.. PRAY to remove all the mind binding thoughts..... In JESUS NAME.. AMEN!! After dinner, that is exactly what I did.. and now as I type I feel a relief! Maybe the relief came from sharing what I was feeling but I think the relief came earlier when God lifted me up and held me while I prayed.

I have envisioned OUR Fathers arms around me, comforting me quite a bit the last few months. The feeling is powerful, loving, warm and peaceful. I am thankful I don't have these rollercoaster moments everyday. I am thankful to have such a loving God. Knowing He is there for US when ever we need him and there for US when we don't have our love ones to turn to.... He is an Awesome God!! .... I love that song.....Our God is an Awesome God.. he lives from heaven above... with Wisdom, Power and Love.. Our God is an Awesome God! (I hope those are the right words to the song.. haven't heard it in a while).
(Ignore the date posted on the picture above.. this was taken Easter 2007)
I had a visit from my sister Sonja today. Emily must have overheard me talking to Sonja when she called. I didn't tell Emily that Jonah was coming over but she knew something was up. As soon as I hung up the phone she kept asking me, every few minutes, "Are they here yet?". It was nice seeing a familiar and happy face on a morning I wasn't quite myself! Thank YOU sis for taking time out of your morning to visit... even if you were just in the neighborhood! Also, Thank you for all the times you have offered to help with the house hunting this week...even though I haven't taken you up on your offer(just yet), I do appreciate your help and encouragement!

I will retire tonight and read from the book of Hebrews. Blessings to all. -"The Lord is my helper, I will not fear...." Hebrews 13:5-6


Anonymous said...

Your welcome Tiffany! Thank you for having us, I know at times Jonah can be a challange but he loves spending time with Emily!

I remember a time just recently when I was feeling scattered in a million pieces...all the emotions sky rocketing, for no apparent reason. Pastor Don gave me this scripture and it ministered to me....The Lord is working the Details of our lives and at times, I believe We FEEL it! On those days it is a good idea to guard against any "guilt or condemnation" brought on by the enemy....he knows when we are the most vulnerable, you did the wisest thing...you ran to "daddy", isn't He awesome to comfort our unknown feelings???

this is the scripture:
The Lord will "perfect" that which concerns me;
Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever;
Do not forsake the works of Your hands.

He's molding you Tiffany! You're a blessing to me!!!

Sonja (your Big sis)

Tonja said...

hello fellow rosacea-sufferer :)
we'll talk about it when you come over...i just heard about something today that helps with rosacea...laser treatments...heard of it? i hadn't. anyway, i got some info, so i'm looking into it.

hope your day was happy!
love you!

Tonja said...

Happy Mother's Day!
I pray the Lord shows you His love and blessings for you.